Implementing Teledermatology for Rural Veterans: An Evaluation Using the RE-AIM Framework
February 01, 2021
Sara B. Peracca, George L. Jackson, Rebecca P. Lamkin, David C. Mohr, Molly Zhao, Olevie Lachica, Julia C. Prentice, Andrea M. Grenga, Allen Gifford, Jennifer G. Chapman, Martin A. Weinstock and Dennis H. Oh Reducing Barriers to Behavioral Treatments for Insomnia: A Qualitative Examination of Veterans' Perspectives of BBTI
January 27, 2021
Nicholas Holder, Jennifer C. Kanady, Laura D. Straus, Amanda J. Khan, Natalie Purcell, Joy Huggins, Rebecca Gloria, Thomas C. Neylan, Callan Lujan and Shira Maguen Leveraging Telehealth to improve access to care: a qualitative evaluation of Veterans' experience with the VA TeleSleep program
January 21, 2021
Francesca M. Nicosia, Bhavika Kaul, Annette M. Totten, Molly C. Silvestrini, Katherine Williams, Mary A. Whooley and Kathleen F. Sarmiento A pilot trial of collaborative care with motivational interviewing to reduce opioid risk and improve chronic pain management
January 06, 2021
Brian Borsari, Yongmei Li, Jennifer Tighe, Jennifer K. Manuel, N Simay Gökbayrak, Kevin Delucchi, Benjamin J. Morasco, Linda Abadjian, Beth E. Cohen, Catherine Baxley and Karen H. Seal Association of Intensive Care Unit Patient Load and Demand With Mortality Rates in US Department of Veterans Affairs Hospitals During the COVID-19 Pandemic
January 04, 2021
Dawn M. Bravata, Anthony J. Perkins, Laura J. Myers, Greg Arling, Ying Zhang, Alan J. Zillich, Lindsey Reese, Andrew Dysangco, Rajiv Agarwal, Jennifer Myers, Charles Austin, Ali Sexson, Samuel J. Leonard, Sharmistha Dev and Salomeh Keyhani Examining the Interfacility Variation of Social Determinants of Health in the Veterans Health Administration
January 01, 2021
Charlie M. Wray, Marzieh Vali, Louise C. Walter, Lee Christensen, Samir Abdelrahman, Wendy Chapman and Salomeh Keyhani Whole Health Options and Pain Education (wHOPE): A Pragmatic Trial Comparing Whole Health Team vs Primary Care Group Education to Promote Nonpharmacological Strategies to Improve Pain, Functioning, and Quality of Life in Veterans-Rationale, Methods...
December 12, 2020
Karen H. Seal, William C. Becker, Jennifer L. Murphy, Natalie Purcell, Lauren M. Denneson Benjamin J. Morasco, Aaron M. Martin, Kavitha Reddy, Theresa Van Iseghem, Erin E. Krebs, Jacob M. Painter, Hildi Hagedorn, Jeffrey M. Pyne, John Hixon, Shira Maguen, Thomas C. Neylan, Brian Borsari, Beth... Prevalence and management of sleep disorders in the Veterans Health Administration
December 01, 2020
Robert L. Folmer, Connor J. Smith. Eilis A. Boudreau, Alex W. Hickok, Annette M. Totten, Bhavika Kaul, Carl J. Stepnowsky, Mary A. Whooley and Kathleen F. Sarmiento Determining the median effective dose of prolonged exposure therapy for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder
December 01, 2020
Nicholas Holder, Brian Shiner, Yongmei Li, Erin Madden, Thomas C. Neylan, Karen H. Seal, Callan Lujan, Olga V. Patterson, Scott L. DuVall and Shira Maguen