
Virtual Worlds Technology to Enhance Training for Primary Care Providers in Assessment and Management of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Using Motivational Interviewing: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

August 23, 2023
Jennifer K. Manuel, Natalie Purcell, Linda Abadjian, Stephanie Cardoos, Matthew Yalch, Coleen Hill, Brittan McCarthy, Daniel Bertenthal, Sarah McGrath and Karen Seal

Comorbidity profiles in older patients last seen by mental health prior to suicide attempt

August 07, 2023
Ruth T. Morin, Yixia Li, Michele J. Karel, Tara Consolino, Alison Hwong, Ryan Clark and Amy L. Byers

Association of select psychiatric disorders with incident brain aneurysm and subarachnoid hemorrhage among veterans

August 02, 2023
Daniel L. Cooke, Hui Shen, Madhavi Duvvuri, Daniel Thompson, Thomas Neylan, William Wolfe, Steven Hetts, Bruce Ovbiagele, Mary Whooley and Beth Cohen

Advancing health equity by understanding race disparities and other factors associated with PTSD symptom improvement following evidence-based psychotherapy

August 01, 2023
Shira Maguen, Adam Batten, Asale Hubbard, Nicholas Holder, Kristine Burkman, Danielle Cottonham, Natalie Purcell, Haley Mehlman and Brian Shiner

Integration of Health Coaches in a Whole Health Team Model of Chronic Pain Care: a Qualitative Study

July 18, 2023
Lauren M. Denneson, Natalie Purcell, Sarah L. McGrath, Linda R. Abadjian, William C. Becker and Karen H. Seal

Trends in substance use disorder diagnoses among Veterans, 2009-2019

July 01, 2023
Katherine J. Hoggatt, Neetu Chawla, Donna L. Washington and Elizabeth M. Yano

Travel Burden as a Measure of Healthcare Access and the Impact of Telehealth within the Veterans Health Administration

June 20, 2023
Zachary Hahn, John Hotchkiss, Charles Atwood, Connor Smith, Annette Totten, Eilis Boudreau, Robert Folmer, Priyanka Chilakamarri, Mary Whooley and Kathleen Sarmiento

Screening for Exposure to Beryllium Among US Veterans With a Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis, 2002-2020

June 17, 2023
Mohamed I. Seedahmed, Mohamed T. Albirair, Mary A. Whooley, Laura L. Koth, Paul D. Blanc and Mehrdad Arjomandi

Impact of Artificial Intelligence System and Volumetric Density on Risk Prediction of Interval, Screen-Detected, and Advanced Breast Cancer

June 10, 2023
Celine M. Vachon, Christopher G. Scott, Aaron D. Norman, Sadia . Khanani, Matthew R. Jensen, Carrie B. Hruska, Kathleen R. Brandt, Stacey J. Winham and Karla Kerlikowske
