Past Seminars
8/19/24 Grant Discussion: "PCORI Proposal: Trauma-Informed Yoga vs. Active Management of Pain for Veterans with Chronic Pain and PTSD" Karen Seal, MD MPH
8/12/24 Grant Proposal: “Alcohol and cannabis co-use among Veterans: Prevalence and impact on engagement of care, utilization, and health outcomes" Thye Peng Ngo, PhD, RN, FNP, CNE, CHSE
7/29/24 Project Presentation: "Association of fluid resuscitation volume with mortality in patients with sepsis" Vadim Shteyler, MD
7/15/24 IIR Proposal Review: "Remote Monitoring to Reduce Heart Failure Hospitalizations" Sanket Dhruva, MD MHS
4/29/24 CDA Proposal Review: "Examining VA Eating Disorder Service Utilization" Patrycja Klimek-Johnson, PhD
4/22/24 VA CDA Resubmission Review: "Development and Evaluation of a Peer Delivered Educational Outreach Program about Evidence-based Psychotherapy for PTSD" Rachel Ranney, PhD
4/1/24 K Proposal Review: "Trauma Informed Smoking Cessation Interventions for Women" Anita Hargrave, MD MAS
2/26/24 K23 Proposal Review Rebecca Abelman, MD
1/22/24 CHIME-sponsored Research Town Hall (in-person only) Vanessa Jacoby, MD MAS (Director of the UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute [CTSI])
1/8/24 "Colon Cancer Prevention - High Quality Colonoscopy for Detection to Resection" Tonya Kaltenbach, MD MSc
12/11/23 "Opportunities to Address Specialty Care Deserts and the Digital Divide: VA’s Virtual Hub-and-Spoke Cardiology Clinic" Rebecca Tisdale, MD MPA
Tanvir Hussain, MD MBA
10/30/23 "Feedback for VA CDA Resubmission: Development and Evaluation of a Peer-Delivered Educational Outreach Program About Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for PTSD" Rachel Ranney, PhD
10/16/23 "Discussion of K23 Project: Using Real-world Evidence to Define Safe Pain Management Strategies in Cirrhosis" Jessica Rubin, MD MPH
9/18/23 "Feedback for VA CDA Application: Examining implementation and utilization of the VA multidisciplinary eating disorder program" Patrycja Klimek-Johnson, PhD
6/5/23 Feedback for VISN21 ECAP grant Rachel Ranney, PhD
5/22/23 "Gender Affirming Therapy and Thyroid Cancer Risk Among Transgender Veterans" Hiba Basheer, MD
4/10/23 "Scaling laws in healthcare delivery: analysis of referral networks, a VA wide study"
"Modelling access to care time, and agent based simulation approach based on VA data"
Alon Ben-Ari, MD MSc
3/20/23 "Predicting Atrial Fibrillation from Sinus ECGs in Veterans Using Deep Learning" Neal Yuan, MD
3/13/23 SWIFT IVI Proposal Review: "Optimizing care for Veterans with methamphetamine associated heart failure" Veena Manja, MBBS PhD MSc
3/6/23 SWIFT IVI Grant Application Feedback #2 Katherine Hoggatt, PhD MPH
Beth Cohen, MD MAS
2/27/23 SWIFT IVI Grant Application Feedback #1 Jennifer Manuel, PhD MS
Salomeh Keyhani, MD MPH
Lenny Lopez, MD MDiv MPH
2/6/23 HSR&D National Meeting Presentation Feedback Session #2 N/A
1/30/23 HSR&D National Meeting Presentation Feedback Session #1 N/A
12/5/22 “Modulation of the gut microbiome by dietary fiber to improve calcium absorption and bone health in older men" Karin Wu, MD
11/21/22 “Implementation and Assessment of an Inpatient Virtual Care Consult Service" Charlie Wray, DO MS
Amy O'Shea, PhD
10/31/22 “Developing a smartphone-based intervention targeting high-risk situations of nicotine vaping among young adults" Nhung Nguyen, PhD
10/24/22 “Characterizing risk factors, mental health outcomes, and patient-centered care needs for early menopause among women Veterans" Carrie Gibson, PhD
10/3/22 "Real-world effectiveness of lung cancer screening for Veterans " Alison Rustagi, MD PhD
9/19/22 "Hybrid Tele-Ophthalmology for Veterans with Age-Related Macular Degeneration" Frank Brodie, MD MBA
8/29/22 "Expansion of Community Care Use in VA: Causes and Implications" Liam Rose, PhD
6/6/22 "Work-In-Progress: Assessing fracture risk after bariatric surgery among Veterans" Eileen Koh, MD
5/23/22 "Brave New (Hybrid) World: Leveraging telemedicine for access to cardiovascular disease care" Rebecca Lauren Tisdale, MD MPA
5/16/22 "The evaluation of pre-existing mental health diagnoses on outcomes for patients with CML" Kelly Schoenbeck, MD
4/25/22 "Exploring the Impact of Virtual Care on Veterans with Heart Failure" Charlie Wray, DO MS
4/18/22 "Improving Pain Management in Cirrhosis – K23 Aims" Jessica Rubin, MD MPH
3/28/22 "Incidence and causal determinants of severe post-vaccination COVID-19 among a national cohort of veterans" Dan Kelly, MD MPH
Salomeh Keyhani, MD MPH
3/21/22 "Training PCPs to Deliver Brief Education on Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for PTSD" Rachel Ranney, PhD
3/14/22 "Logistics of an exercise trial for LUTS in older male veterans" Scott Bauer, MD ScM
2/28/22 "Assessing for bias in ancestry-informed lung function prediction" Jonathan Witonsky, MD
2/7/22 "Applying Data-Driven Methods to Predict Suicide Risk Among LGBTQ+ Veterans" Emily Dolsen, PhD
1/24/22 "Screening for latent infections among Veterans using biologic or targeted small molecules" Gabriela Schmajuk, MD MSc
1/3/22 "Maximizing the benefit of lung cancer screening for veterans: Quantifying real-world screening outcomes to personalize screening decisions in the VA" Alison Rustagi, MD PhD
12/13/21 "Functional and Psychosocial Reserve and Resilience in Older Adult Survivors of Critical Illness" Julien Cobert, MD
11/22/21 "Drivers of racial disparities in management of muscle invasive bladder cancer: examining local and geographic variations in evaluation and treatment" Samuel Washington, MD MAS
10/25/21 "Improving Lung Cancer Screening Implementation: ascertaining facility-level variation in screening outcomes to validate best practices and optimize performance" Alison Rustagi, MD PhD
10/18/21 "Presumptive Agent Orange Exposure is Associated with Subsequent Development of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Among United States Veterans" Bhavika Kaul, MD MAS
9/20/21 "Health disparities and premature mortality among veterans with schizophrenia" Alison Hwong, MD PhD
9/13/21 "Germline genetic testing for metastatic prostate cancer" Maren Scheuner, MD MPH
8/30/21 "Risk factors and health outcomes related to earlier age at menopause among women Veterans in the VA: An HSR&D IIR proposal using NLP, EHR data, and ?" Carolyn Gibson, PhD MPH
8/16/21 "Risk of fracture following bariatric surgery among veterans" Eileen Koh, MD
6/21/21 "Examining Factors Related to Long-Acting Injectable Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Acceptability Among At-Risk Veteran Populations" José Gutierrez, PhD FNP-BC
6/14/21 "Brainstorming session for application for the VA Advanced Fellowship in Health Services Research and Development" Beth Cohen, MD MAS
Salomeh Keyhani, MD MPH
6/7/21 "Exploring the Impact of 'Digital Dose' on Health Care Utilization in Older Veterans with Heart Failure" Charlie Wray, DO MS
5/24/21 "One year into COVID-19: utilization of in-person, telehealth, and hybrid physical therapy" Matthew Miller, PT DPT NCS PhD
5/17/21 "Feedback on HSR&D CDA-2 resubmission: Improving Care for Veterans by Understanding and Facilitating Transition to Recommended PTSD Treatment" Nicholas Holder, PhD
5/3/21 "Improving Individualized Decision-Making for Treatment of Male Stress Urinary Incontinence"
VA CDA Submission Input/Review
Lindsay Hampson, MD MAS
4/26/21 "Patient, Device, and Facility Characteristics Associated with Remote Monitoring Compliance of Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices"
Manuscript review
Sanket Dhruva, MD MHS
Anoop Muniyappa, MD MS
4/12/21 "'I think it’s comforting': Everyday music engagement at home in dementia caregiving relationships"
Manuscript review
Theresa Allison, MD PhD
3/8/21 "Data from the PRIME pilot trial: a prebiotic intervention to improve calcium absorption after gastric bypass surgery" Karin Wu, MD
3/1/21 "Using translational epidemiology to build a new framework for age-related lower urinary tract symptoms pathophysiology" Scott Bauer, MD MS
2/22/21 “Improving Decision-Making for Older Veterans with Stress Urinary Incontinence”
VA Career Development Grant
Lindsay Hampson, MD MAS
2/8/21 "Effect of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines on clinical outcomes in a national cohort of Veterans with Covid-19"
CSRD Merit Proposal
Daniel Kelly, MD
2/1/21 "Heart-brain communication in veterans with schizophrenia: neurovascular and autonomic mechanisms of aberrant brain activity"
CDA-2 Proposal
Michael Jacob, MD PhD
1/25/21 "Developing strategies for safe and effective pain management in cirrhosis patients with chronic pain"
KL2 Grant Submission
Jessica Rubin, MD MPH
12/14/20 "Lung Cancer Screening at the VA: investigating effectiveness, safety, and cost-effectiveness"
Specific Aims for a Career Development Award
Alison Rustagi, MD PhD
11/30/20 "Association of Military Exposure with IPF in US Veterans" Bhavika Kaul, MD
11/16/20 "Improving Care for Veterans by Understanding and Facilitating Transition to Recommended PTSD Treatment"
CDA Proposal
Nicholas Holder, PhD
11/9/20 "Virtual Care Strategies to Improve Participation in Cardiac Rehabilitation among Veterans"
HSR&D IIR Proposal
Linda Park, PhD MS FNP-BC
11/2/20 "Improving Safety of Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices in Veterans"
CDA-2 Proposal
Sanket Dhruva, MD MHS
10/26/20 “Women Veterans’ health related to menopause and aging: Next steps” Carolyn Gibson, PhD MPH
10/19/20 "Advanced glycation end products and cardiovascular disease in the CHS and MESA cohorts" Julio Lamprea Montealegre, MD PhD
9/21/20 "'Investigating Alternative Glycemic Metrics to Predict Geriatric Outcomes in Nursing Home Residents with Diabetes"
VA CDA Proposal
Alexandra Lee, PhD MSPH 
9/14/20 "Factors Associated with Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Placement After Acute Myocardial Infarction Among U.S. Veterans”
Manuscript discussion
Gregory Judson, MD
Sanket Dhruva, MD MHS
7/27/20 “Smoking cessation treatment engagement in cancer patients” Ellen Herbst, MD
Natalie Purcell, PhD MA MPA
Stella Bialous, RN DrPH FAAN
Tracy Lin, PhD 
7/20/20 "Medication safety dashboards in rheumatology” Gabriela Schmajuk, MD MSc
7/6/20 "Epidemiology of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis among US Veterans” Bhavika Kaul, MD
6/8/20 "Electronic health record-linked bobanks for the advancement of statin precision medicine" Akinyemi Oni-Orisan, PharmD
5/18/20 "Social Immunology for Distancing Pathology: exploring a potential resilience to COVID-19” Mehrdad Arjomandi, MD
5/4/20 "Skeletal Health and Valvular Calcification: Is Bone a Key to the Heart?" Jorge Kizer, MD
4/27/20 "Safety of Cardiovascular Implantable Devices in Veterans"
Career Development Award Proposal
Sanket Dhruva, MD MHS
4/20/20 "Impact of Virtual Primary Care on Diabetes Quality Care"
Oral Presentation for the Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting
Lipkin Award Finalist
Amy Lu, MD
4/13/20 "Age-related changes in skeletal muscle and lower urinary tract symptoms in older adults"
K23 Specific Aims and Significance
Scott Bauer, MD MS
4/6/20 "Increasing the use of cognitive processing therapy and prolonged exposure therapy among patients with PTSD"
VA HSR&D Career Development Award LOI
Nicholas Holder, PhD
3/30/20 "Improving Diabetes Treatment in Older Adults"
QUERI Supplemental Funding Proposal
Alexandra Lee, PhD MSPH
3/23/20 "Covid19/Coronavirus Studies in the Veteran Population"
Rapid Project Launch Brainstorming
Dan Kelly, MD MPH
3/2/20 "Substance use disorder among VA patients:  A comparison of diagnosis rates and survey-based prevalence from the Behavioral Healthcare Quality (BHQ) study” Katherine Hoggatt, PhD MPH
2/10/20 "Emulating a Carotid Trial Using VA data: The Comparative Effectiveness of Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Revascularization Compared to Medical Therapy"
Oral Presentation for the International Stroke Conference
Salomeh Keyhani, MD MPH
2/3/20 "Impact of Social Risk Factor Adjustment on Alternative Payment Models and Kidney Care Disparities"
K Award Specific Aims
Lehka Tummalapalli, MD MBA
12/9/19 "PERSONAL-pilot: placebo-controlled, randomized n-of-1 trials of tamsulosin for patient-selected lower urinary tract symptoms" Scott Bauer, MD
11/25/19 "Analysis of Client Language in Brief Smoking Cessation Interventions: Identifying Mechanisms of Change"
VA HSR&D Pilot Project
Ellen Herbst, MD
11/4/19 "Improving Access to Care through the Novel use of Telemedicine"
Response to reviewers and revised specific aims
Charlie Wray, DO MS
10/21/19 "Impact of Community Care on Time to Treatment in Veterans Diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea"
Oral Presentation
HSR&D/QUERI National Meeting
Bhavika Kaul, MD
10/7/19 Practice talks for HSR&D/QUERI National Meeting Karen Seal, MD MPH
Carolyn Gibson, PhD MPH
9/9/19 "Safety of Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices in Veterans"
HSR&D Career Development Award
Sanket Dhruva, MD MHS
8/26/19 "A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial to Improve Physical Activity after Cardiac Rehabilitation: the Mobile4Heart Study"
Oral presentation for the Annual Meeting for the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Linda Park, PhD MS FNP-BC
8/12/19 "Markers of CKD Mineral Bone Disorder as Targets to Address Physical Dysfunction and Sarcopenia"
CSR&D Merit Review Award
Cynthia Delgado, MD
7/29/19 "Impact of Hematologic Malignancies on the Cognitive Trajectory of Older Adults."
Proposal for Grants for Early Medical/Surgical Specialists' Transition to Aging Research (GEMSSTAR)
Li-Wen Huang, MD
7/15/19 "What's Happening with Cerner?" Mary Whooley, MD
7/15/19 "Development of a Data Science Elective for Residents"
Grant Proposal
James Anstey, MD
5/20/19 "Does Choice Equal Quality? A Mixed-Methods Comprehensive Evaluation of the Quality of Community Care through the Mission Act vs. VA care for Veterans with PSTD, Depression and Chronic Pain" Jennifer Manuel, PhD
5/6/19 "Cardiovascular Risk Factor Modification and Atrial Fibrillation" Cara Pellegrini, MD
4/22/19 "Longitudinal Association between Angina and Quality of Life" David Schopfer, MD MAS
4/15/19 "Arrythmic MVP in the VA Population" Francesca Delling, MD MPH
3/4/19 "Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Safety" Sanket Dhruva, MD MHS
2/4/19 "Fatigability: Moving From Outcomes Research to Function Research" Micah Prochaska, MD
1/28/19 "Impact of Home-based Cardiac Rehabilitation on Functional Status"
Career Development Award Application
David Schopfer, MD MAS
1/14/19 "Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Safety"
Career Development Award Application
Sanket Dhruva, MD MHS
1/7/19 "Bone Marrow Fat and Skeletal Health in Type 2 Diabetes" Tiffany Kim, MD

Last Updated: January 15, 2025; Webmaster: [email protected]